Introducing our New Logo

Introducing our New Logo

It is a myth that OsteoStrong is only for older women with bone loss or osteoporosis, although those clients get incredible results. Our new logo depicts our muscle fibers and skeletal system as the center of our strength whether you are an athlete, suffer from joint or back pain, are fighting bone loss or type 2 diabetes, or just want a quick and effective weight bearing program. Everyone needs weight bearing and only our system can allow you to reach the multiples of body weight needed to trigger a true adaptive response.

Everyone has a skeletal system which, along with the central nervous system, helps regulate your muscle strength potential. At OsteoStrong we help you break the limits age and injury are trying to put on you.

The PReTTy2 (Progressive Resistance Training in Type 2 Diabetes) Huashan Hospital Study with relationship to bioDensity and Type 2 Diabetes

The PReTTy2 (Progressive Resistance Training in Type 2 Diabetes) Huashan Hospital Study with relationship to bioDensity and Type 2 Diabetes

The research conducted by physicians at Huashan Hospital, one of the most prestigious medical centers in China, in relationship to Type 2 Diabetes and the bioDensity® system was published in the April volume of Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, the official Journal of the International Diabetes Federation (IDF). The IDF is an umbrella organization of over 230 national diabetes associations (members) across 170 countries and territories. Believed to be the largest organization of its kind, the Federation has been leading the global diabetes community since 1950.

Tony Robbins: Biohacking for Beginners

Tony Robbins: Biohacking for Beginners

The thing with bone health is that it creeps up on you. Roughly up until the age of 30, men and women actually build more bone than they lose. So we are constantly strengthening our bones and working on bone density. But when we hit our mid-30’s, things change. And if you’ve passed that benchmark, you may have felt that shift.